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The Sacred Circle

The Sacred Circle


The Sacred Circle Meditation:


Following Tara’s “under the stars” induction, you travel to a sacred stone circle in the middle of a meadow. Here, in the center of the circle, you meet a beautiful woman dressed in chiffon. As she chants, you experience an expanding vortex of power within: “Where light meets darkness ... where the beginning encircles the end ... where joy nullifies pain ... we now choose to slip between the worlds beyond time, beyond space, and we invoke the positive powers of the Universe to assist us to manifest our desires.” Chakra balancing is followed with an inspiration ritual in which you open your heart and mind to the limitless positive potentials of life on earth. You withdraw an object from a box that relates to your purpose. Walking counter clockwise you recall a happy event from the past and transmit the vibrations into the present. A clock becomes a symbol placed in the circle to assist you make the most of your valuable time. Much more. 30 Minutes.



  • The Sacred Circle

    Chakra balancing is followed with an inspiration ritual in which you open your heart and mind to the limitless positive potentials of life on earth.

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