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Healing Sphere

Healing Sphere


Healing Sphere Meditation:


Following Tara’s induction, you’ll perceive a pillar of light and hear an inner voice say, “Step into the blue-healing ray.” Within the ray, you’ll be drawn higher and higher until you reach a healing sphere in another dimension of time and space -- a center for etheric-world light beings who desire to assist humans who have the awareness to come here. “You wouldn’t be here if you were not already a light worker,” you’re told.

The regeneration chamber within the sphere eliminates all mental and physical discomfort. Then in the no-gravity healing room, you’ll experience light and sound bathing your body and generating healing. Colors are introduced, one at a time, each healing through its own properties. Plus, there are additional healing processes. This is a unique approach to mental/physical healing through the power of mind-programming. 30 Minutes.




*Note: If you have lingering health issues please seek Medical aid.

  • Healing Sphere

    The regeneration chamber within the sphere eliminates all mental and physical discomfort. Then in the no-gravity healing room, you’ll experience light and sound bathing your body and generating healing.

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